Flora urbana
Wednesday 08 November 2017 -
19:30 to 21:00

Café Scientifique provides a framework for the public to engage in an informal and accessible debate on current scientific issues. These cafés scientifiques are part of a series on “Sustainable Cities” organised by the British Council and La Casa Encendida. In this new edition we are going to focus on “Urban Fauna” and “Urban Flora”.

Speakers: Chris Baines, founder of Chris Baines Associates Ltd and one of the UK’s leading independent environmentalists author of the book The Wild Side of Town, which won the UK conservation book prize in 1987 and How to Make a Wildlife Garden which has been in print for more than thirty years, and Joaquín Araújo, naturalist, writer, director, screenwriter and TV presenter.

These cafés are part of the activities organized during the Madrid Science Week

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