Alumna en cursos de inglés en el British Council

British Council

Wednesday 25 January 2017 - 13:14

All of us have questions when we’re learning something new but, for English learners, there are so many resources available that it’s sometimes hard to know where to start looking for the answers.

Led by Kay Welsh/Mick Green,  the co-authors of the book Las 500 Dudas Más Frecuentes del Inglés, the aim of this 60 minute session is to help English learners to help themselves by considering the pros and cons of some of the main resources available to English learners and how to get the most out of them. 

There will be ample opportunities to ask questions! 

Date When Where Speaker Registration*
01/03/2017 19:00h Somosaguas Teaching Centre Kay Welsh Register here


*Please note that the places are limited

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English language