We are a globally trusted brand. Partnering with us gives you access to worldwide networks, expertise in international learning and cultural and community programmes.

Partnering with us can mean anything from simple event sponsorship to long-term collaboration. Joining forces with the British Council delivers our partners tangible benefits."

Our mission is to build trust and opportunity internationally. Our goals are ambitious and we will only achieve them through partnership. In Spain, we work with national and international organisations, national governments, non-governmental organisations, foundations, businesses and international governmental organisations on shared agendas.

We understand the corporate social responsibility and marketing strategies of our business partners, and the development, education and arts strategies of our public and third sector partners. With our knowledge and expertise in policy, skills and content we can help you to achieve your goals. If you would like to explore partnership opportunities with us for a project or event, contact our partnerships team.

Our Assets include:

  • A globally trusted brand
  • A good understanding of cultures, languages and communities
  • Expertise in education and language teaching, all art forms, creative industries, youth and community engagement, governance and reform
  • Networks at all levels, from young learners to government ministers
  • Close working relationships with UK government departments, national governments and ministries, and international government organisations.