Julia Sierra Berdejo
IES Miguel de Molinos (Aragón). The best mix of technology
Our winner!
IES Miguel de Molinos (Aragón). The best mix of technology
IES Cap de Llevant (Baleares) The best footage of actually making a difference
IESO Pedro de Luna (Aragón) The best visual creativity.
IES Pedro de Atarrabia (Navarra) The most original use of animation.
IES Al Qázeres (Extremadura) The one with the greatest passion and energy
IESO Pedro de Atarrabia (Navarra) The clearest specific message.
IES Francisco Salinas (Castilla y León) The best supporting subtitles.
IESO Pedro de Atarrabia (Navarra) The most original and magical.
IES Francisco Salinas (Castilla y León) The funniest. The one that made us laugh the most
IES Miguel de Molinos (Aragón) Best use of animated graphics
IES Cap de Llevant (Islas Baleares) The clearest explanation of the issues
IES Miguel de Molinos (Aragón) Best example of using a simple visual to maximum effect
IES Cap de Llevant (Islas Baleares) Best incorporation illustrations from variety sources